Grays Loyalty Program

The Grays loyalty program gives our members exclusive benefits at all our retail shops (20/Vin, l’Occitane en Provence, COCOON & COLORS) and more.

Already a registered customer? Kindly stay up to date with your benefits below & seize the chance to consult your benefits if you choose to upgrade.

Not yet a member of our Grays Loyalty Program? Get started for Free!

Privilege Member

This privilege status is based on your annual purchases across our stores: 20/Vin; L’Occitane en Provence; COLORS, COCOON & M.A.C Cosmetics.

Privilege Select

This privilege status is based on your annual purchases across our stores: 20/Vin; L’Occitane en Provence; COLORS, COCOON & M.A.C Cosmetics.

VIP Privilege Silver

This privilege status is based on your annual purchases across our stores: 20/Vin; L’Occitane en Provence; COLORS, COCOON & M.A.C Cosmetics.

VIP Privilege Gold

This privilege status is based on your annual purchases across our stores: 20/Vin; L’Occitane en Provence; COLORS, COCOON & M.A.C Cosmetics.

VIP Privilege Platinum

This privilege status is based on your annual purchases across our stores: 20/Vin; L’Occitane en Provence; COLORS, COCOON & M.A.C Cosmetics.

By browsing this website, you are confirming that you are at least 18 years old. Kindly refer to our terms & conditions & age controls policy
for delivery of alcoholic products.
An excessive consumption of alcoholic drinks can cause serious health and social issues.
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